Dear reader,
My name is Raúl Cano and with great enthusiasm, I am the Knowledge Manager for the engineering community at Bayer. Previously, as part of the Corporate KM Team at the
European Space Agency, I contributed to define and implement the
ESA KM strategy. I have also worked as a test engineer for Air Traffic
Control systems in Madrid.
As a background, I am a Computer Engineer by the University of Málaga, hold an MBA by the University Alfonso X (Madrid) and have co-authored more than 15 papers related to knowledge management.
As a background, I am a Computer Engineer by the University of Málaga, hold an MBA by the University Alfonso X (Madrid) and have co-authored more than 15 papers related to knowledge management.
In this is blog I explore the fundamentals of knowledge management and I propose some ideas to foster the discussion and help the evolution of KM. Also, I will occasionally leave my thoughts on other topics I am passionate about.
I hope you enjoy.